Many businesses unfortunately find themselves stuck in a maddening “Feast or Famine” cycle when it comes to business development.

The pattern goes like this: You nail down a big new project or land an impressive client. In the euphoria of celebrating that win, all focus shifts to delivering spectacular work and servicing that customer’s needs. Marketing and sales activities grind to a halt as your team’s bandwidth is completely absorbed into operations mode.

The “Feast” stage kicks in, as you’re feasting on that revenue and work for the foreseeable future. But then the project inevitably winds down. You deliver the final assets, get that last check…and suddenly you’re staring at an empty pipeline.

The “Famine” period has now begun. Panicked, you scramble to restart business development – scouring networks, rekindling old leads, ramping up marketing campaigns. It’s an uncomfortable drought.

Finally, something solid hits. So focused resources get reallocated away from bizdev once again as you pour everything into operations. And the cycle repeats.

Many businesses simply accept this ‘Feast or Famine Cycle’ as the natural order. After all, they reason, doing great work is what generates referrals and repeat business – the best source of new opportunities. So the mere act of staying heads-down on delivery should be enough to spur future growth, right?

Except this mindset is inherently flawed and caps your ceiling. Relying solely on word-of-mouth means inconsistent cash flow. Meanwhile, your bizdev efforts remain transactional and scattershot rather than following any coherent system.

The solution? Developing a sustainable marketing and sales process that perpetually generates and qualifies leads – even when you’re feasting on a huge client project. This is where a comprehensive brand strategy workshop can be transformative.

At Platform Creator, our brand strategy workshop goes beyond the surface, diving deep into your ideal client’s psychology. We help you understand your audience’s self-identity, their empowering beliefs, and the tensions that curb transactions. This is crucial for breaking the feast or famine cycle.

The key lies in mapping your ideal client’s “Belief Chain” – the step-by-step progression of doubts, hopes, and mindset shifts they must navigate before deciding to purchase your solution. With these belief triggers and decision signals illuminated, you can craft messaging and campaigns that engage prospects at each step while progressing them towards becoming buyers. Your marketing and sales efforts become focused and strategic, aimed at continuous client acquisition.

Mapping your Belief Chain is essential to optimizing your marketing and sales system, which is one half of the BizDev Matrix. It helps you avoid the feast or famine trap that slowly starves your business. Instead, it keeps leads advancing through your pipeline on a predictable, sustainable cadence.

Our brand strategy workshop is designed to provide you with a clear roadmap. It combines insights into your target audience with actionable steps to build a sustainable business development system. This includes developing a unique brand narrative, identifying key messaging pillars, and creating a cohesive go-to-market strategy that aligns with your business goals.

Interested in learning more about mapping your ideal client’s Belief Chain and developing go-to-market systems that keep you constantly fed? Connect with us below and discover how our brand strategy workshop can transform your business.

Visit our Brand Strategy Workshop page for more details and to schedule a consultation. Let’s break the cycle together and ensure your business thrives continuously.